Romeo and Juliet #1

My first impression of the play was confusion. Other then the language and the use of it throughout the text, I found myself confused about how Romeo was speaking so fondly about another love. Rosaline came as a surprise to me because no one had mentioned her when describing the book. No one explained a previous love that had left Romeo heartbroken. I was led to believe Juliet was his first love. My initial impression of Romeo and Juliet’s life was naivety from the depths of a first love.

Image result for rosaline romeo and juliet

I was confused as to how quickly they progressed in the play as a couple. I wonder if Romeo fell in love with her looks then was greeted by her personality. If so, how long was Romeo in love with just her looks. I’ll never know because the book is just the book itself. Love can’t be defined so it’s hard to claim why there love was so strong, and I guess that’s what is troubling me.

Image result for romeo and juliet

I was asked to study the role of Romeo and what I’ve collected is he has a soft personality. He doesn’t come off as a harsh presence because he was always in love with someone. The love he gave to others made him reflect a more gentle personality. Romeo has spoken of love since his first appearance, “Ne’er saw her match since first the world begun.” This line Romeo speaks and reflects on his love at first sight moment. He looks as her and sees light as if he’s never seen light before.

Image result for romeo“I’ll go along, no such sight to be shown, But to rejoice in splendor of mine own.” (1.2.107, 108). This line was spoken before Romeo met Juliet there for the words before he had love at first sight. He agrees to go to the party to enjoy himself and move on from his breakup. These words were spoken with sadness.

Image result for romeo heartbroken

My questions for this novel are what is the purpose to using the most powerful word, love, to say  you’ll love someone forever when you might move on from them, and loose that love? How do you know your true love is your true love?

Link to love and death quotes…

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