In the Zeffirelli version of Romeo and Juliet it was placed in a time period where people were dressed in there normal formal clothing  to attend a masquerade ball. There was what is looked as old music nowadays playing the background as well. The people that were showcased were very proper and well rounded. Juliet did not express her emotions as a well respected lady would in that time periodImage result for Romeo and JUliet masquerade

In Luhrmann’s version of Romeo and Juliet, the time period was placed in more a modern time. People dressed up in costumes so represent different characters. Some of these characters were people that may have existed in the same time period as Zeffirelli’s version of Romeo and Juliet. The music that played while they were dancing was in a more present tune. Juliet had a childish and free personality that wasn’t expressed in the other version.Related image


Here’s Zeffirelli ball scene ad Luhrmanns


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